This is optimal guide shows you how to quest in osrs with the least amount of skilling/grinding. If you follow this exact quest order, you will be questing in the most efficient way possible in Oldschool Runescape. Pures (read our OSRS pure quest guide) OSRS Efficient Quest Guide In Order.Starting an Ironman? Follow our OSRS Efficient Ironman Guide This OSRS Quest Guide Is Not Optimal For: Ironman, Hardcore Ironman and Ultimate Ironman accounts.Follow the list in the exact order it comes in to advance your character through the games quests with as little skilling in-between as possible! This OSRS Quest Guide Is Optimal For: The quest list below contains the most optimal way to quest in OSRS. The Fremennik Exiles: Neitiznot Faceguard Quests That Unlock Valuable Spellbooks:.The Fremennik Trials: Archer/berserker/warrior/farseer helm.Lost city: Dragon Longsword and dagger (DDS).Animal Magnetism: Ava’s attractor/accumulator.Dragon Slayer 2: Ava’s Assembler/Ferocious gloves.Dragon slayer: Rune Platebody, Green d’hide body, Dragon Platebody.

There are absolutely no requirements to start it, you can start from a level 3 account using this quest guide all the way to the quest cape. Questing can be a little bit of a drag when you’re starting fresh, also figuring out the most efficient order is annoying which is why we created this guide. Over the years we have created many, many accounts and had to do these quests over and over. This article will contain what we believe is the most optimal quest guide in OSRS. There are many bosses, locations, mini-games, skills, items, spell books and so on that require quests to unlock them. Quests are essential for advancing in Old School Runescape.